Oct 7, 2011

When the Stars Do Not Align

When you have your first baby, it seems that the most common advice people give you is the cliche' (but oh so true) "Sleep when the baby sleeps."

When you have two babies back-to-back, those same people seem to realize that you no longer have the luxury of sleeping when the baby sleeps, for you are also responsible for caring for an energetic toddler as well.  The advice becomes, "You've gotta get them on the same schedule!"

I'll admit that having Isabelle and Lacey on the same schedule helps immensely.  And most days, that's what I strive to do.  Because if I can get them to sleep at the same time, I have the choice of uninterrupted showering, cleaning house, reading, knitting, taking a nap, and even blogging!  (And judging by the scarcity of my posts over the last several months, I'm sure you can see that blogging hasn't been high on my list lately).  It's absolutely true that when the stars align and you have both babies sleeping, you can get a lot done.

Yesterday, the stars did not align.  Lacey took a good, long morning nap, and Isabelle wasn't ready for a nap until mid-afternoon.  But instead of being frustrated, I chose to see it as an opportunity to spend some much-needed quality one-on-one time with each of the girls.  Instead of "Me" time, I got to have "Momma-and-Isabelle" time and "Momma-and-Lacey" time.  Isabelle helped me do some chores and fold clothes while Lacey napped, and me and Lacey practiced eating from a spoon and walking while Isabelle napped.  And during those times, neither had to compete for my attention.  It was exhausting, but wonderful.

Sometimes the stars align and things work out perfectly.  But sometimes when the stars to not align, things can work out better.  I forget that a lot.  And I think yesterday, God reminded me that I cannot control the stars.  But I can control myself, and choose to do God's will anyway.  I may not have had time to read, knit, watch a movie, or even clean my bathroom.  But God provided me with all the time I needed to do His will, and what more could I ask for?

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Katie! So true, when you look back once your babies are grown you won't remember that shower or movie but you will remember those times with your girls! :)

