Nov 21, 2011

toy rotation system

Today I had a rare mixture of energy and ambition, and these are the times I usually tackle projects.  Today's project was the girls' toys.  They both just had birthdays, and this weekend I realized that their toys no longer fit inside their designated containers (one large toy box in their bedroom plus one storage ottoman in the living room).  (Not to mention Christmas is right around the corner and they'll probably get even more toys!)  I decided that this was ridiculous, especially since they no longer played with most of those toys (yet still managed to make a huge mess with them every day).

So today I started a Toy Rotation System!  I took the "old" toys they no longer played with and put them into boxes for storage.  In a few months, I'll take those "old" toys out and they'll be their "new" toys!  This way, I drastically reduce the clutter in my home, plus they'll get a "new" set of toys to play with every few months!

I also designated the bottom drawer in Isabelle's dresser for "dress-up" clothes and shoes, and a small box in the toy cradle for "baby's things" including her baby dolls' blankets, milk, pacifiers, hats, etc.  I'm not sure how Isabelle's little two-year-old mind will understand this organization, but it's worth a try, and we'll see how it goes!

Does anyone else do this?  How do you organize your children's toys?


  1. I'm totally gonna do this! Right now Mia doesn't have that many toys so it's no big deal but I'm gonna remember this for the future! Thanks Katie!

    Sarah Landry

  2. Salvation Army on the front wonder where all those toys went............mmmooommmm!!!

  3. Haha yes, eventually we'll start donating toys too, but I think we'll hold off till we're finished having kids!
