Nov 19, 2011

What I've been up to Lately

Hello friends and family - it's been a while!  These past few weeks have been pretty busy for us.  I can't write a whole lot about everything, but care for some highlights?

  • A few weeks ago, Lacey and I went on a little road trip to go visit my dear friend Nicole (and her adorable daughter Evie) in New Orleans!  We had an absolutely wonderful time!
  • A lot of my free time has been spent knitting (I'm knitting Christmas gifts this year for some of the women in my family and Blake).  
  • I'm also reading a wonderful little book called A Mother's Rule of Life.  I'll write later about how it's helping me with my vocation as a wife and mother!
  • Blake and I celebrated our third anniversary!  We didn't do anything super-special since Blake had to work late, but I brought out our fine wedding china and we had a romantic candlelight (well it was supposed to be candlelight but the candles wouldn't stay lit since they were right under the air vent) dinner together.  YAY for three years of living together without killing each other!
  • Lacey had her first birthday!  My sweet little one is a whole year old, and I can't believe it!
  • I've been really busy re-decorating my living room!  I'll give you a complete run-down (plus pictures) in a future blog post when I have everything all finished and set up.
  • Today we hosted our first Real Party in celebration of Lacey's birthday (blog post and pics to come soon)!  We invited our immediate families, grandparents, and Lacey's godparents (total: 19 adults, 2 babies).  It was crazy having so many people in our little house (with only one bathroom)!  But it worked.  And it was wonderful being able to have our wonderful families and friends over to our home.  Lacey had a BLAST digging into her cake, and got some really great gifts!
Anyway, that's what's been going on with us.  I hope all three of you who read my blog are doing well!  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear from you!!! Miss you guys! Can't believe lacey is already 1!!?! How did that happen?

