Feb 4, 2011

Adventures in Cloth Diapering: Foreward

Yes, I'm still alive.  My apologies for neglecting my blog for over a month, but I have two babies, a husband, and a house to take care of - and you knew this was going to happen.

Blake and I have decided to transition to cloth diapers!  This has been something I've wanted to do ever since I went to a cloth diaper showing hosted by a local cloth diapering company, eLeMeNO-PEE.

Everyone's reactions to me talking about cloth diapering have been SO different!  I have many friends who already cloth diaper and were super excited and supportive of our decision. Others think we're nuts.  (P.S. One of those "others" will be cloth-diapering her baby in a few weeks when he's born, hehe!)

First of all, let me say that I never thought I would even consider cloth diapering.  I didn't even go to the showing because I was interested - I went to spend time with a good friend who was going.  But, after seeing their products and talking to other moms who cloth-diaper about how beneficial and easy it is, I was convinced. 

In case you didn't know, cloth diapering has changed SO much since our parents' generation.  They're adorable, super soft, durable, easy to clean, and easy to use!  Cloth diapering is also the best investment you can make if you're planning to have a large family, saving you $600-$960 per child, per year!  Did I mention they're adorable??

The Fuzzibunz diapers I wanted were about $17 each, and though we would save tons of money in the long-run, it is a high start-up cost.  Fortunately, we have some amazing family members and friends who have very generously contributed to our "starter" diaper supply.  We'll probably continue to buy diapers one at a time until we have all that we need.

Anyway, I'm super excited about my diapers!  We ordered FuzziBunz perfect-size pocket diapers!  They come in so many cute colors, and they're unbelievably soft!  They should arrive sometime this weekend, and I can't wait to try them out!

I think for my sanity's sake, however, we'll continue to use disposable diapers and wipes when we're away from home.  I've already learned from feeding Isabelle on-the-go that I don't like to bring dirty bibs and spoons home to wash, and that I much prefer to use disposable ones - I imagine I'll feel the same way about diapers.  That's just the kind of mom I am, and I make no apologies.  Of course, I reserve the right to change my mind at a later time (but I think it unlikely). 

Anyway, I can't wait until my cloth diapers come in, and I will definitely be posting pictures and writing about my experiences using them!  :o)


  1. Can't wait to hear how you like them, I might try them for the next baby, we'll see!


  2. I'm interested to see how it goes for you! Talking to you and Nicole has made me start to consider them for Baby #2. We will be on much more of a budget, for one. I think I'd be a "hybrid" mom with them too. Definitely disposables for traveling. You already have to carry around enough stuff when traveling to worry about multiple stinky, dirty diapers to wash. Again, can't wait to hear about your experiences! :)

  3. Hey, I ran that showing. :)

    I hope you love them, Katie! I know you're a local to the Lafayette office, but if you ever need something and can't get ahold of them, I consider you my client, too, and you get free advice and troubleshooting for life. Please don't hesitate to contact me.

  4. I am a stay-at-home mom that uses cloth diapers as well, doing the disposables away from home. We had two in diapers (18 monthsapart) and loved the one-size diapers because the diapers would fit either baby- no worrying about having the correct size. We did use disposables at night as well because the cloth didn't seem to hold enough liquid and we always had soaked babies by morning. With these minor adjustments, I loved cloth diapers and will do again should we have more little angels.
